Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Start

When I became a mom and owned my own place, I started become a huge Do-It-Yourself Mom.  I admit, I was somewhat of a DIY person before that since I love arts and crafts and figuring how to make stuff.  I enjoyed making stuff from personal invitations all the way to my own target frames and targets for the shooting range.

Something happened in me though when I became a mom and owning my own house shortly after.  If we were to be dead honest, the control freak in me came out.  But perhaps the extreme-ness started when I was pumping breastmilk and trying to breastfeed.  I'll be honest it was a pain in the butt pumping and breastfeeding. The clock and my daughter owned me.  On top of that, my daughter was premature and I had to bring a supply to the NICU about twice a day.  Sarah latched, but her sucking power wasn't effective.

Then she started to eat babyfood.  My husband was DETERMINED to make all her food.  It was actually a lot easier than I thought and fun.  So what else could I make?  And then it begun...

A lot of these things you can find somewhere on the internet but I wanted to document experience.  It may help just 1 person on their own journey and realize how easy it is.

There are no excuses.  We live in a world where we don't know what things are made of anymore.  GMOs even found in formulas, arsenic in baby cereal, and lysol not being a safe around infants...what do you do?

Please don't give me the excuse that you don't have time.  At the time all this happened, my husband and I purchased and renovated a house doing most of the work ourselves (More extreme DIYing), I was working a contract job during maternity leave and went back to work 32 hours out of the week.  I also work contract/side jobs so I am a full-time working mom with an infant who I spend time with (I don't believe in not being active with your kids), couponing, taking care of chores, errands, cooking meals - oh and ladies I iron my work clothes AND my husbands (for some reason people are shocked with that when they find out)...and by the way...I have a dog as well - A HUSKY THAT'S A PUPPY STILL!

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